Asahi India Glass on Friday announced the setting up of its single largest integrated glass plant at Roorkee in Uttaranchal with an estimated investment of Rs 600 crore (Rs 6 billion). The plant to......
Shares of companies to be included in the India-related MSCI indices have outperformed the market, ahead of their inclusion in the index. Except Lupin, Bharat Forge and Container Corporation of......
One needs to be cautious despite the uptick seen on Monday, as the real test of the rally in this segment will be the upcoming result season, analysts say Stocks from the mid-cap and small-cap......
A 30-member team of CEOs from leading Indian automobile components companies will be participating in a five-day orientation programme at Massachusetts Institute of Technology on product design and......
Indian companies seem to have realised that there is a lot in a name after all -- and even more so in a brand name -- if the spate of name changes in recent times is anything to go by.In many of......