Actor Sanjay Dutt, who has to undergo three-and-a-half years in jail in the Mumbai serial blasts case, on Thursday said he believed in judiciary and would explore legal options after going through......
Abhishek Bachchan is so inspired by director and childhood friend Apoorva Lakhia's latest film, that he has signed on. The yet-untitled film will go on the floors by the end of the year. Apoorva......
Here's what your favourite Bollywood celebrities are tweeting. Director Apoorva Lakhia has finally acquired rights for Manna Dey's popular qawwali Yaari Hai Imaan Mera for his......
Priyanka Chopra's gun-toting suggestiveness in the music video for Zanjeer with Ram Charan Teja will not be seen in the film. It will be used for promotional purposes only. Now, we hear that......
A public announcement by Abhishek 'Gattu' Kapoor that the script of Apoorva Lakhia's Mumbai Se Aaya Mera Dost is his creative property has disrupted the director's plan for an August 22 release.......
Director Apoorva Lakhia has every reason to be grateful to Amitabh Bachchan, as he mentioned in this interview. After all, without the star, Lakhia may have been left without a career. A family......