A day after an angry West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee screamed at her security guards in full public view saying they ‘should be whipped’ for making her wait for her car, a......
Two days after she dubbed the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal as 'fascist', Magsaysay award winner social activist Mahashweta Devi has said she had full faith in the chief minister. "I......
Noted writer and human rights activist Mahasweta Devi, who had actively campaigned for Trinamool Congress before the West Bengal assembly elections, on Monday described the government as 'fascist'......
Association For Protection of Democratic Rights member and civil rights activist Sujato Bhadro has his hands full these days. Bhadro, along with other APDR members, are busy appealing to the state......
The prohibitory orders at Singur, promulgated in view of political agitations against acquisition of farmland for the proposed Tata Motors car project, will be in force till January 28 midnight, a......