The Andhra Pradesh high court on Sunday asked the director-general of police to submit a fact-based affidavit by Tuesday on the police firing at Mudigonda in Khammam district in which six persons......
Andhra Pradesh government has ordered a high level probe in to the mysterious death of a State Armed Reserve force constable P Murlinath, who was sent to New Delhi at the behest of a senior Indian......
The ongoing tussle between the Andhra Pradesh government and a legislator of Opposition Telugu Desam TV Rama Rao over his alleged involvement in a case of sexual abuse took a curious turn on......
In a major embarrassment to the Andhra Pradesh government, the State Human Rights Commission has held it responsible for the murder of Julakunti Srinivas Reddy alias Muddu Seenu, who was killed in......
Following court directions and Opposition's appeal, junior doctors in Andhra Pradesh on Friday decided to partially withdraw their agitation across the state from Sunday but strike will continue at......
The Andhra Pradesh Human Rights Commission on Tuesday ordered the assistant commissioner of police of the Panjagutta police limits to submit a report on the death of a man who was allegedly......