Hindi film Sixteen premiered on July 10, at PVR, Juhu, in the western suburbs of Mumbai. The bold coming-of-age film sees the debut of Brazalian model Izabelle Leite. It will release on July...
Shah Rukh Khan enthralled his fans at the Temptation Reloaded 2013 concert, held at the Oman Automobile Club grounds in Muscat, Oman, on the eve of Valentine's Day. Actresses Katrina Kaif and......
Riteish Deshmukh held a grand premiere for his first Marathi production Balak Palak, and his friends from the film industry turned up to support him. Balak Palak is a fun film focusing on sex......
'I hope you're all keeping safe and not taking any risks at all.' Photograph: Kind courtesy Anusha Dandekar/Instagram 'This too shall pass...' assures Anushka Dandekar. Photograph: Kind......
Publicist Rohini Iyer hosted a party at her home, attended by Bollywood celebs. Huma Qureshi. Aditi Rao Hydari. Shamita Shetty. Nushrat Bharucha. Patralekhaa......