Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday met Bollywood actors and filmmakers, including Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan, and released a cultural video with the theme 'Change Within' to mark the 150th......
Barfi! director Anurag Basu, who holds elaborate Saraswati puja celebrations every year, had several Bollywood stars -- most notably his leading stars from the film -- drop by to offer......
After the success of Barfi!, director Anurag Basu may base his next film on mathematician Anand Kumar and his famous Super 30 programme, which grooms talented students from underprivileged families......
The Barfi! team recently wrapped up the film's shooting and celebrated the occasion in a spirited way. Director Anurag Basu and lead actor Ranbir Kapoor popped the bubbly to mark the wrap up. The......
Many a worthy contender won at the recently concluded 58th Filmfare awards. While Anurag Basu's Barfi! walked away with seven nods, Sujoy Ghosh's Kahaani won five trophies. Here's looking at star......'s special Year-End series continues... the final part of the biggest Change-Makers in Bollywood in 2013. Please read the first and second parts here. Ranbir Kapoor Because: With his......