Stock analyst Gautam Vora has been arrested for allegedly helping Vijay Palande, a key accused in the murder of Delhi-based businessman Arun Kumar Tikku, after his escape from police custody.......
Key accused in the murder case of Arun Tikku and Karan Kakad, Vijay Palande was on Friday arrested in connection with the illegal possession of ammunition in hisapartment. The Oshiwara police have......
One of the three accused, who had escaped from the custody of police on Tuesday night, hours after his arrest on the charge of murdering a businessman from Delhi, has been caught from the city,......
Here's a look at India's most notorious murder cases Sheena Bora, the daughter of Indrani Mukerjea was killed in April 2012. The case has come to the fore three years later. A wife of a TV mogul......
The sensational murders of two Delhi residents at the hands of a money-crazy criminal and his female accomplice in Mumbai beg the question: How many more people has Vijay Palande killed? Vrushali......