Maharashtra police's Anti Terrorism Squad on Thursday arrested three persons, including one connected with the Aurangabad arms seizure case, sources said.Two persons, Nihal Nachan and Saif Nachan,......
Criminal jurisprudence is based on an interesting saying, “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer.” However, that does not seem to apply to the......
The Bombay high court on Thursday discontinued its monitoring of the probe in the 2015 murder of communist leader and rationalist writer Govind Pansare while asking the sessions court to expedite......
He arguably has one of the toughest jobs in the country, but because of the administration's lack of visionhe is yet to get even a proper office to execute his duties.Also ReadTwin Blasts: A family......
The special court in Mumbai conducting trial in the 2008 Malegaon blast case has received a bomb threat, a government lawyer said on Tuesday. Image used for representational purpose only.......