Union Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav made the following speech while presenting the Railway Budget for 2004-2005 in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday (July 6, 2004)."Mr Speaker Sir,I rise to present the......
IMAGE: Neeraj Chopra poses with the gold medal after winning the men's javelin throw event at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest. Photograph: Kai Pfaffenbach/Reuters India is set to bid......
IMAGE: August 7 is celebrated as National Javelin Day to mark Neeraj Chopra’s historic Olympic gold in Tokyo. Photograph: Neeraj Chopra/Instagram India is set to host a high-profile global......
The third and final leg of the Indian Grand Prix, scheduled to be held on April 13, has been postponed due to clash of dates with the Annual General Body Meeting of the Athletics Federation of......
Indian Olympic Association (IOA) President PT Usha on Thursday proposed that only disciplines featuring in the Olympics, Commonwealth and Asian Games be considered for inclusion in the future......
'Unless we start winning medals in the Olympics it may be difficult to get the right to host the Olympics.' IMAGE: Star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra is a bright prospect for India's medal hopes......