A young couple sharing a laugh — in the living room over a Polish joke book, on the beach, in the rain — with the tagline, “Made for each other”, hung from billboards at......
Mother Dairy's tryst with mishti doi (sweetened yoghurt) began sometime back.Then a novelty, consumers just lapped up the Rs 5 a pack delicacy. The honeymoon, however, didn't last long as the......
The Swiss food major had exited the water category in India several years ago. Maggi noodles is not the only product for which Nestlé India has faced queries. Food Safety and......
This poorly paced movie is too dull to be a drama and shows no signs (or intrigue) of a thriller, observes Sukanya Verma. Bob Biswas cannot remember. Sounds like a fun idea to pitch for a spin-off......