Anil Ambani's Reliance Natural Resources on Sunday said Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries Limited is charging an illegal and unauthorised marketing margin of 13.5 cents (Rs 6.6) per mBtu on the......
Swiss bank UBS has been fined Pounds 8 million in the United Kingdom after four of its senior employees were found misusing funds of customers, including two companies of Indian industrialist Anil......
Billionaire Anil Ambani on Tuesday called on Oil Minister Murli Deora, apparently to discuss allocation of natural gas to his group's power plants, amid reports that government could consider......
Industrialist Anil Ambani, along with his mother Kokilaben, visited holy shrine of Badrinath on Wednesday, ahead of talks between his group company RNRL and Mukesh Ambani group's Reliance......
There is nothing much for Anil Ambani group firm Reliance Natural Resources Ltd to renegotiate with Reliance Industries Ltd, as the price and quantity of gas it is seeking will be dictated by the......