A senior Sri Lankan Tamil leader has sought Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi's help in seeking a solution to the ethnic problem, suggesting that devolution of powers to provincial councils......
A leading Tamil leader of Sri Lanka has urged India to intervene and help the island nation to defeat LTTE chief V Prabhakaran 'who will never agree' for any solution to the ethnic problem.......
Favouring replication of the Indian model of federalism in Sri Lanka to solve the ethnic problem, members of Parliament from three Tamil parties of the island nation on Tuesday asked New Delhi to......
India should strike a 'balance' between its efforts to secure rights of Tamils and protect its own security interests in Sri Lanka by preventing Pakistan and China from getting a 'foothold' in......
The president of the Tamil United Liberation Front is in Toronto for a few days meeting with his constituents, Sri Lankan-Canadians, Canadian politicians at various levels, sharing with them how......