Chinese computer giant Lenovo on Tuesday said it is planning to launch its $200 (about Rs 8,000) personal computer in India soon. "We will launch the product in China first and after getting the......
Chinese computer giant Lenovo has recruited a fourth executive of Dell, the world's largest personal computer maker, in just eight days, heightening rivalry between the two companies. Christopher J......
7 strategies to start a company for nothing! Madsoul: Founded by Marc D'Amelio with $1,000. In launching Madsoul, an urban streetwear label, in 2000, Marc D'Amelio raised guerrilla marketing to an......
On a bright September afternoon, a black Mercedes S320 pulls up to a curb in the middle of Beijing's bustling Zhongguancun, the consumer-electronics shopping district. Out steps a man in a......
A poignant story of a woman's struggle to survive and lead a meaningful life, despite being an AIDS victim, is South Africa's nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award. The film,......