The Uttar Pradesh Police on Tuesday constituted an 18-member SIT to probe the death of Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad president Mahant Narendra Giri and detained a disciple of the seer in......
Two adults in a live-in relationship have the right to cohabit peacefully, the Allahabad high court has observed while directing the SSP Farrukhabad to provide security to a couple that lives......
The number of devotees inside the Bankey Bihari temple at a time should be restricted while the VIP enclosure should be removed, priests at the shrine have said, days after two devotees "suffocated......
The Maha Kumbh, considered to be the largest religious gathering on earth, will begin at the Sangam in Allahabad from January 14. Photographer Rajesh Karkera and Archana Masih capture the scenes......
Sexual abuse at the Allahabad orphanage, where continued rape of three minor girls was discoveredlast week was in full knowledge of not only local district officials but evenhigher ups at the state......
A habeas corpus petition, claiming that Sahara group Chairman Subrata Roy had been kept in 'illegal detention' by his wife and some other senior officers of the company, was filed with the Lucknow......