In an unusual move, members from the ruling Congress on Friday trooped into the well of the Rajya Sabha and forced its adjournment, agitated over not being allowed to raise the issue of certain......
Amid high drama and scuffles between members, a resolute government introduced a Bill providing for reservation of one-third of seats for women in Parliament and state legislatures, in the Rajya......
The 14-year-old journey of the Women's Reservation Bill was marked by high drama and roadblocks in each of its outings in Parliament, before the historic measure finally cleared its first......
The Ambani gas dispute continues to agitate Members of Parliament, with some raising the demand for nationalisation of Reliance Industries' eastern offshore KG-D6 fields. Lok Sabha MP Harsh Vardhan......
In the thick of the Ambani brothers' dispute, lawmakers on Thursday demanded that Mukesh Ambani-led RIL's gas fields be nationalised but the government turned it down. Cutting across party lines,......