The Bengaluru police are investigating the alleged threat call made to spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravishankar's Art of Living organisation three days ago. Recently, the AoL lodged a complaint......
A month after the alleged shooting at its Bengaluru ashram, the Art of Living Foundation now confronts charges of land grabbing. The allegation comes a day after AoL stated it had received......
Zombies, multiverse, tragedy, Japanese culinary traditions, you'll find it aplenty on OTT this week. Sukanya Verma lists everything you can see or skip. Everything Everywhere All At......
Amazon Prime Video has announced 69 assorted Web series and movies, and the slate sure looks interesting. Here's looking at the movies that you will be watching this year! Do Read: Watch Vijay......
After doing a fine job with Aa Dinagalu as a script writer, Agni Shreedhar makes a promising start as a director with Kannada film Thamassu. The film set against the backdrop of communal violence,......