Malayalam film The Dolphins gets preachy after a while, says Paresh C Palicha.There are people for whom films are a means to express their views or display their innermost feelings. Anoop Menon,......
Paresh C Palicha says that Friday 11.11.11 Allapuzha directed by newcomer Lijin Jose with an ensemble cast is passablePeople are talking about the new wave that is happening in Malayalam cinema,......
Paresh C Palicha says Naughty Professor has some insensitive jokes which degrades the film. In Malayalam cinema, every actor thinks he is a star whether he is the leading man, a sidekick, a villain......
Paresh C Palicha feels Ee Adutha Kaalathu shows the life of six different people living a city, in a very entertaining manner. Written by Murali Gopy and directed by Arun Kumar Aravind, Ee Adutha......
Murali Gopy, writer-actor and son of National Award winner, the late Bharat Gopi is making a comeback on the big screen after nearly a year. He has written the story and screenplay of Ee Adutha......