The Delhi Police has filed a chargesheet against the key handler of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, Abu Jundal, accusing him of being involved in terror activities across India to avenge atrocities......
In a crucial evidence in the 26/11 Mumbai attack case, an eye witness told the trial court on Tuesdaythat he had fought with two terrorists at Nariman house and miraculously escaped their bullets.......
The Mumbai police are yet to furnish to Interpol details about the nine terrorists killed during the 26/11 terror strikes for issuance of a "Black Notice" which can help get more information about......
The Mumbai police has reportedly not furnished to Interpol any details yet about the nine terrorists killed during the 26/11 attack for issuance of a "Black Notice", which can help get more......
"India can understand only one language and that is the language of jihad." Thus said Zaki-ur-Rehman Laqvi, the Lashkar-e-Tayiba chief, to the Mumbai attackers while they underwent training in......