Haryana and Tamil Nadu shared the honours as their rain-curtailed Group B Ranji Trophy match ended in a tame draw in Chennai on Tuesday. Haryana's middle-order fired in unison as they reached 180......
Skipper Amit Mishra struck an unbeaten 86 and added 125 runs for the unbeaten seventh wicket stand with Jayant Yadav as Haryana ended the first day's play of the Ranji Trophy Group B league......
Mohit Sharma took five for 47 to help Haryana bundle out Uttar Pradesh for a meagre 227 in their Ranji Trophy Group B match in Lucknow, on Saturday. At stumps on Day 1, Haryana were 32 for one with......
Maharashtra had to be content with three points by virtue of the first innings lead after the home team failed to secure an innings victory over struggling Haryana in a Ranji Trophy Group B match......
Haryana are 75 for 2 in their second essay and will be looking to avoid an innings defeat when they take the field on Tuesday, as they still trail Maharashtra by 208 runs, at the end of third day's......