The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday raided multiple premises in Mumbai, Pune and Surat in connection with a money laundering probe against ABG Shipyard Ltd in an alleged Rs 22,842 crore bank......
The Enforcement Directorate has registered a criminal case of money laundering against ABG Shipyard Ltd, its former promoters along with others for allegedly cheating a consortium of 28 banks of......
The Indian Navy has cancelled Reliance Naval and Engineering Ltd's (RNEL) Rs 2,500-crore naval offshore patrol vessels (NPOVs) contract, owing to delay in delivery of the vessels, according to......
Though the government says public and private shipyards compete on equal terms, public shipyards feast at the high table with the defence ministry, with only scraps being tossed to private......
Banks do extensive investigation before declaring an account fraud; they owe it to us as they deal with our money.Why would they try to fix an innocent borrower? asks Tamal Bandyopadhyay.......
If there were an Olympics for bank frauds in India, Rishi Agarwal, founder and former chairman of ABG Shipyard Ltd, a nephew of the Ruia brothers of the Essar group, would bag the gold, pushing......
All these companies were provided loans by PNB as part of consortium lending. Winsome Diamond & Jewellery, Gitanjali Gems and ABG Shipyard are among the big wilful defaulters who together owe more......
The government has cleared 19 foreign direct investment projects worth Rs 4,340 crore, including that of Tata Steel and Future Ventures.The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) headed by......
In 2007, Israeli drugmaker Taro Pharmaceutical was in trouble. Inventories and debtors mounted, and it ran out of cash after a string of US acquisitions. When Dilip Shanghvi, chairman of Sun......