The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday raided multiple premises in Mumbai, Pune and Surat in connection with a money laundering probe against ABG Shipyard Ltd in an alleged Rs 22,842 crore bank......
The Enforcement Directorate has registered a criminal case of money laundering against ABG Shipyard Ltd, its former promoters along with others for allegedly cheating a consortium of 28 banks of......
The government on Tuesday said investigations in the ABG Shipyard case were delayed because some state governments including Maharashtra had withdrawn the agency's power to probe and their approval......
The Congress on Sunday accused those sitting in the highest echelons of power in the Narendra Modi government of complicity, collusion and connivance in what it described as "India's biggest bank......
The Indian Navy has cancelled Reliance Naval and Engineering Ltd's (RNEL) Rs 2,500-crore naval offshore patrol vessels (NPOVs) contract, owing to delay in delivery of the vessels, according to......
Pirojsha Godrej, 43, patriarch Adi Godrej's son, is set to take over as chairman of the Godrej Industries Group from 2026 while Nyrika Holkar, Smita Godrej Crishna's 42-year-old daughter, has......
The auditor of ABG Shipyard, which is being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for the Rs 23,000-crore default to banks, had settled an investigation by the Securities and Exchange......
The average time lag between the date of occurrence of a fraud and its detection is 23 months; for large frauds (Rs 100 crore and above), it was 57 months. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/
Banks do extensive investigation before declaring an account fraud; they owe it to us as they deal with our money.Why would they try to fix an innocent borrower? asks Tamal Bandyopadhyay.......
In a major expansion into sportswear and lifestyle wear segment, the Kumar Mangalam Birla-led Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail has signed a long-term licensing agreement with Authentic Brand Group of......