'BJP loses a democratic election, then buys MLAs from the ruling party's flock, and rides to power in these states.''Do you think Atalji would have tolerated this?''The BJP for its greed for power......
'It behoves us in India to watch how the US is pushing back.''It's a lesson in rising to the defence of Constitutional values when the administration won't,' says Mitali Saran.Illustration: Uttam......
'Presidents may come and go, but America will go on forever,' an American business leader tells Ambassador T P Sreenivasan in New York.Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com Abraham Lincoln's......
'India should think big: About how in a multi-polar world, India can indeed be one of the poles, rather than being a secondary power that has to worry about 'alignment' with one of the poles. A G3......
These aren't going to win. These should win, need to win, would make a lot more sense than the people who will probably win, but these are the ones with unfairly bad odds, the ones......
In Spielberg We Trust' used to be a Hollywood mantra, but had lost footing as the director's recent projects did not match up to box-office expectations. His last film was the disappointing Tom......