Renowned filmmaker P Vasu's latest directorial venture in Kannada, Aarakshaka, is hitting the screens this week. Flush with the success of his last two Kannada outings -- Aaptarakshaka and......
Srikanth Srinivasa feels Aarakshaka will make its audience think.Director P Vasu's last two movies Aapta Mitra and Aaptarakshaka ran on clear and definite lines. With the latter being a kind of......
Superstar Upendra has a dream... of becoming a cop. Fulfilling that for him is director P Vasu. We are talking about the Kannada film Aarakshaka where Uppi plays a man who wants to become a police......
Quite a few Kannada films flopped at the box office last year. Some of them were big budget films, with big names in key departments, and yet, failed to please audiences. Here's a look......
Actor Ravichandran, music maestro Ilayaraja and director P Vasu have teamed up for the first time with Kannada film Drushya, a remake of Malayalam super hit Drishyam made by Jeethu Joseph.......