The story of Sahara India Pariwar founder Subrata Roy, who died in Mumbai on November 14 aged 75, is the stuff of movies - of a spectacular rise and an equally spectacular fall. Photograph:......
The Sahara Group had earlier sought 18 months' time to repay around Rs 9,000 crore balance amount of the principal amount of Rs 24,000 crore. Sahara chief Subrata Roy on Wednesday moved the......
The apex court had also asked Sahara Group to provide it within two weeks the list of "unencumbered properties" which can be put for public auction to realise the remaining over Rs 14,000 crore......
The apex court was irked when Sebi claimed that the group had allegedly obstructed the process by writing a letter to the Pune police raising the issue of law and order at the prime property. The......
The Supreme Court also asks the Sahara chief Subrata Roy to appear before it on April 28. The Supreme Court on Monday asked Bombay high court's official liquidator to sell Rs 34,000 crore (Rs 340......