Mumbai Police on Thursday registered an FIR against 14 persons, including Bollywood personalities Karan Johar, Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhat, organisers and participants of the controversial'AIB......
It may not be politically correct to say this, but the term woman biker is an oxymoron. In my experience, it's a rarity to come across a woman who can talk confidently about stuff like rpm,......
It takes a newspaper report to understand what RJ Simran Kohli means by saying that radio is one of the biggest mediums of infotainment for the future. The report is on Radio Farda (or Radio......
Limelight. Those who love it, want it and will do anything for it. They'll stand in long queues and fight with families (in some cases) only to find themselves facing the arclights, getting......
With legal hassles behind him for the time being, Salman Khan -- who turned 47 today -- left for his Karjat farmhouse for yet another birthday party. Several fans had gathered outside his Galaxy......
The Punjabi film industry is going through an explosion, with a film releasing every third day. Aabhas Sharma catches the action. Jayanti Majri, home to the famous temple of Jayanti Devi, one the......
For the glamour-smitten boxer, turning pro was the next logical step, writes Aabhas Sharma Boxer Vijender Singh packs a punch on the ramp. Photographs: Reuben NV/ “Whoever......
Aabhas Sharma gives us the low down on what really went wrong between IOA and IOC. Given the unprofessional manner in which Indian sports bodies and federations are run and their dependence on the......
'In the merry-go-round of Indian cricket, amid abhorrent match-fixing scandals and incessant politicking, Ravi Shastri is a multifaceted personality who, when called upon, can don any hat with......