Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who is currently serving his five year jail term after being convicted in the 1993 bomb blasts case, on Friday made it clear that he had never filed for pardon with the......
Eleven convicts of the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case, who were out on bail, on Wednesday surrendered before the designated Terrorist and Disruptive Activities court here following the dismissal of......
Republican Party of India activists on Saturday staged protests outside the Yerawada Jail in Pune, Maharashtra, against the release of actor Sanjay Dutt on parole for a month to spend time with his......
The Maharashtra government on Tuesday faced flak from the Bombay high court for showing "extra diligence" in approving an extension to the parole granted to actor Sanjay Dutt. The court also......
'I wonder what Zaibunissa Kazi would feel if she saw the trailer for Sanju.' 'An effort that proves movies are made about celebrities who get away after committing a crime while poor souls like......