The Calcutta High Court on Monday rejected the anticipatory bail prayer of Trinamool Congress leader Sk Supiyan, who was the election agent of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in Nandigram, in......
China continues to astound, and steal a march on its Western counterparts, with new types of weapons and missiles. Image used for representational purpose only. Photograph: ANI Photo The latest......
Amid deepening row with the United States over disputed South China Sea where American ships challenged China's claims of sovereignty, Chinese military has deployed its latest anti-ship cruise......
Indian Navy’s new destroyer, INS Visakhapatnam, with enhanced capability to operate in nuclear, biological and chemical atmosphere, during its launch at the Mazagon dock in Mumbai.......
Pakistan on Fridaysaid it was not 'duty-bound' to inform India about the test-firing of its cruise missile and alleged that New Delhi had declined to include this in the draft treaty on nuclear and......