Over Rs 16 crore in cash has been seized till now by EC-appointed surveillance teams and check squads in five poll-bound states, with Rajasthan topping the chart with the recovery of Rs 7.13 crore.......
Chennai and Madurai will continue to be under intense lockdown till July 5 and the current relaxations and curbs shall be in force till July 31 for the rest of Tamil Nadu, the government said on......
Ahead of 16 May assembly polls in Tamil Nadu, election flying squad personnel on Friday seized Rs 10.48 lakh cash, suspected to be meant for distribution to voters, from the car of a local All......
Continuing its winning streak, the ruling All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam on Sunday retained the Yercaud (ST) assembly constituency, with party nominee P Saroja romping home with a massive......