A Delhi court on Saturday asked former Union minister M J Akbar and journalist Priya Ramani whether there was a chance of settlement between them in a criminal defamation complaint filed by him......
A Delhi court Wednesday dismissed a plea by Communist Party of India-Marxist leader Brinda Karat seeking a first information report against Union minister Anurag Thakur and his Bharatiya Janata......
Ending all uncertainty over the trial in the criminal defamation complaint filed by former Union minister M J Akbar against journalist Priya Ramani, a Delhi court on Thursday sent back the case to......
Journalist Priya Ramani on Saturday sought acquittal in a criminal defamation complaint filed against her by former Union minister M J Akbar, saying freedom of speech and expression is intrinsic to......
Journalist Priya Ramani told a Delhi court on Monday that she was “targeted selectively” through a criminal defamation complaint by former Union minister M J Akbar “to halt the......