The Bengaluru police on Thursday raided Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi's residence in Mumbai in search of his brother-in-law Aditya Alva, who is wanted in a drug case, police sources said. Aditya......
The Central Crime Branch of Bengaluru, which is probing the drug menace in the Kannada film industry, on Friday arrested film actress Ragini Dwivedi along with two more persons, police said.......
Star India has launched an internet facility for mobile users, especially targeted at small-end and rural users. The new mobile application termed PLUS is at present available for free and is......
Every week, a fax machine in economic advisor's office at Udyog Bhawan, which houses the commerce and industry ministry, receives price data for items in the Wholesale Price Index basket. The data......
Indian Idol, licensed from the American Idol format, went on air on Sony Entertainment Television in October 2004. The talent hunt for singers had already been a huge hit in the US. The show was......
In recent years, Yash Chopra has been labelled King Of Romance, when in fact, his best film, Deewar (1975) did not have a chiffon-clad heroine dancing in the snow. Unfortunately, it is not......
Love pours in from all around the globe! The news of Sridevi's death was a huge shock. The iconic actress left behind memories and movie experiences for her fans around the planet. We had asked......