The Delhi high court on Monday extended its interim order asking media houses AGR Outlier Media Pvt Ltd and Bennett Coleman and Company Ltd to ensure that no defamatory content will be uploaded on......
Famous auteur Guru Dutt’s son Arun Dutt passed away on Saturday after a prolonged period of ill-health. The soft-spoken filmmaker (he directed the Dharmendra starrer Khule-aam) had done much......
Fifty years after it released in theatres, Guru Dutt's Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam continues to charm audiences.The film has not only stood the test of time but continues to grow. Directed by the......
The ethereal Waheeda Rehman. The lovelorn Guru Dutt. When it comes to epic romances, Chaudhvin Ka Chand has to feature on the list. The book, Chaudhvin Ka Chand: The Original Screenplay,......
The film-maker has denied the allegations, terming them 'false, mischievous, scandalous, motivated and defamatory'. Film-maker Rajkumar Hirani has been accused of sexual assault by a woman who......
Stork visits Juhi again!Juhi Chawla and Jai Mehta are ready to have another child after three-year-old Jhanvi.Though Juhiremains tight-lipped, sources saythe actress refused Tanuja Chandra's Vaasta......