A Chandigarh court on Friday charged Vikas Barala, the son of the Haryana Bharatiya Janata Party chief, and his friend Ashish Kumar with stalking and attempting to kidnap a senior IAS officer's......
In another damning evidence in the Chandigarh stalking case, a CCTV footage has been recovered of August 4th which clearly shows accused Vikas Barala purchasing alcohol before chasing down Varnika......
Vikas Barala, the son of Haryana Bharatiya Janata Party chief Subhash Barala, has been summoned by the Chandigarh police on Wednesday over allegations that he stalked a woman and chased her. The......
Haryana Bharatiya Janata Party chief Subhash Barala whose son Vikas was arrested for stalking a woman in Chandigarh, finally broke his silence on the matter and asserted that he is not using his......
'The vehicles have evolved, the mindset hasn't. And it won't, not until boys are reformed to understand, imbibe and espouse the importance of consent,' says Veenu Sandhu. Chandigarh, for me, has......