The Mumbai Police has downgraded the security of around 40 Bollywood celebrities, including Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, after an annual assessment of threat perception. The officials said......
Director Rajkumar Hirani's father Suresh Hirani passed away last night, 3 June. The funeral was held today at the Municipal Hindu Cemetery in Santacruz,...
Learning from the best?Rajkumar Hirani's longtime writing partner Abhijat Joshi has budding writers in his family too.His 18-year-old daughter Anushka recently unveiled her book of poems and he......
Marking 30 years of working in the film industry, director/producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra organised a retrospective of his films in Mumbai. One of his most acclaimed films -- 1989's Parinda -- was......
Rajkumar Hirani's father Suresh passed away on June 3 after a prolonged illness. The chautha ceremony were held on June 7 at an ashram in Khar, a western suburb of Mumbai. Hirani's mother Sheela,......
The music of 3 Idiots is getting great reviews and the man behind the compositions is Shantanu Moitro. An economics graduate from Delhi, Moitra chose......