The Mumbai police have picked up one person in connection with the Varanasi blasts of December 7, which killed two and injured several others. Nadim Suhaib Siddiqui was detained by the immigration......
Based on intelligence reports, the Uttar Pradesh police now believe that the masterminds of the Varanasi blast may be Asadullah Akhthar and Dr Shahnawaz. The Bhatkal brothers -- Riyaz and Iqbal --......
An Interpol notice has been issued against Dr Mohammad Shahnawaz and Asadullah Akthar, the men who are believed to have executed the Varanasi bomb blast on Tuesday. Even as investigations continue......
A dossier on the Indian Mujahideen, which was prepared following its resurrection post the Batla House encounter, had termed the outfit as a “start to finish jihad factory.” According......
Unabated terror financing from the Gulf countries continues to be a major challenge for security agencies across the world, reports Vicky Nanjappa. The recent revelations by made by......
Qatar, Dubai and Sharjah want 80,000 additional seats per week as part of bilateral negotiations with India The battle for India in the West Asian aviation market is hotting up, with Qatar, Dubai......