Un-bee-lievable! For the eighth year in a row, Indian-American children sweep the Spelling Bee competition. Vanya Shivashankar of Olathe, Kansas, and Gokul Venkatachalam of St Louis, Missouri,......
Arvind Mahankali from New York has scripted history by winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee for 2013, becoming the sixth Indian-American to win the title in a row. Arvind, from New York,......
Kavya Shivashankar, winner of the 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee and the India Abroad Young Achiever Award, was invited to meet President Obama this month. When will I get to meet the......
Sandip Roy visits a flock of wanna-'bees' at an all-Indian spelling bee in Milpitas, California and is transported back to India. Illustration by Uttam Ghosh. When I told my friend I was going to......
For Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, the road to international public recognition was spotted with periods of doubt and uncertainty. True, he was a good student with a deep interest in science. But Venki,......