The Delhi high court on Tuesday dropped proceedings and quashed the summons issued by a lower court against real estate tycoons Sushil Ansal and Gopal Ansal in the Uphaar cinema fire tragedy case......
Real estate barons Sushil and Gopal Ansal on Wednesday escaped being jailed in the 18-year-old gruesome Uphaar Cinema fire tragedy in which 59 people died with the Supreme Court asking them to pay......
The Supreme Court on Thursday assured the Association of Victims of Uphaar Tragedy that it will accord an early open court hearing of its plea seeking review of its 2015 verdict by which real......
The Supreme Court on Friday stayed the trial court proceedings against former IPS officer Amod Kanth in the 1997 Uphaar fire tragedy case. A bench of justices K S Radhakrishnan and A K Sikri also......
A Delhi court on Tuesday convicted all 12 accused, including theatre owners Sushil and Gopal Ansal, in the Uphaar fire tragedy case. Reading out portions of the 950-page judgment, Additional......
What works for Trial By Fire is Rajshri Deshpande's and Abhay Deol's portrayal of the distraught parents who struggled and toiled for justice for over two decades, observes Utkarsh Mishra. Ever......