Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam Khan, who is accompanying Chief Minister Akhilesh Uadav for a HarvardUniversity event in the US, was detained briefly for questioning at BostonInternational Airport.......
Finding two top officials missing from a departmental meeting, a fuming Uttar Pradesh minister ticked off an officer asking him to shut up and calling him ill-mannered. Urban Development Minister......
Taking serious note of the questioning of the Uttar Pradesh minister Azam Khan at the Logan International Airport in Boston, the Indian Embassy has raised the issue with the US State Department.......
In a sensational move,Uttar Pradesh's powerful Urban Development Minister Azam Khan on Wednesday offered to resign from the Akhilesh Yadav government.Highly-placed sources claimed that Azam,who is......
In sarcastic comments Samajwadi party leader Azam Khan on Friday took on outfits demanding construction of a temple dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi's assassin NathuramGodse,saying such temple should be......
With nearly a million identified slums, UP urgently requires housing for the poor Residents of a free-housing colony are forced to buy water from a commercial tanker because of shoddy supply......