The Delhi high court on Thursday granted a two-week interim bail on medical grounds to expelled Bharatiya Janata Party leader Kuldeep Singh Sengar who is serving life term for raping a minor in......
The CBI began questioning the UP lawmaker around 5 am on Friday. The Central Bureau of Investigation registered three separate cases in connection with the alleged rape of a minor girl by......
A Delhi court on Tuesday adjourned till December 20 the hearing on order for quantum of sentence against expelled Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar, convicted for raping a woman in......
The Central Bureau of Investigation filed its first chargesheet on Saturday against the brother of Unnao Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar and four others in connection with the......
A Delhi court convicted expelled Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar on Monday for raping a woman in Unnao in 2017 saying the victim's testimony was "truthful and unblemished" against a......
'India doesn't belong to these people, it's ours.''We need to wake up and save India right now.' Singer Anusha Manchanda with a placard that summed up the mood of the angry protest against the......