The Society of Asian American Scientists in Cancer Research last month presented awards to seven doctors for their outstanding contributions to cancer research. The awards were presented by Rajvir......
The jury trial of Susan Xiao Ping Su, the president and owner of the now shutdown Tri-ValleyUniversity in California, began on March 3. On January 19, 2011 federal agents had shut down the......
Shuvo Roy did not want to be a doctor. His father was a public health physician and several family members were doctors. "I wanted to be different," says Roy. "So I studied engineering." Now he......
'Two years ago, had I been given even a tiny hint that my genes were tipping the scale for the development of a disease that would lock me into my body, unable to move or breath normally on my own,......
Foreign students who are currently enrolled at the university can continue to attend classes as long as the school remains certified and the students are able to maintain their lawful immigration......
The current global financial crisis may turn out to be a major killer, and could send suicide and homicide rates soaring, says a new Lancet study. Researchers at London School of Hygiene and......
While in graduate school, Neerja Raman was challenged by her thesis advisor, Dr Paul Lauterbur, to fix a MR instrument in the basement of the chemistry building. In previous years, other students......