Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, former external affairs minister in the UPA government S M Krishna and tabla maestro Ustad Zakir Hussain were among six luminaries selected......
As we are about to enter 2021 with new hope, do take our quiz to find out how much of a news wiz you are.And your time starts now! 1. Which valley in Ladakh was at the centre of the......
Friends of Vinod Mehta came together to remember the man and his legacy. On Thursday evening, Mumbai was witness to a gathering of friends, family and fans of the late Vinod Mehta, founder and......
"The essential nature of the material world is not material; the essential nature of the physical world is not physical; the essential stuff of the universe is non-stuff." With these words,......
'The beauty is that when media says it is real, people start believing it as real. Priyanka Gandhi, from a background image is now a larger-than-life hoarding.' 'From Arvind Kejriwal to Priyanka,......