On Tuesday, Apple chief executive officer Tim Cook and his team launched the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Photograph: Twitter According to a report by US-based tech portal TechCrunch, the Ultra......
Tech giant, Apple has unveiled the much-awaited iPhone 15 series (iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max) and also the Apple Watch Series 9 and Watch Ultra 2 at their......
Tech giant, Apple has unveiled the much-awaited iPhone 15 series (iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and the iPhone 15 Pro Max) and also the Apple Watch Series 9 and Watch Ultra 2 at their......
Inter Milan will have their hardcore ‘ultra’ supporters present for Sunday's Milan derby after the Italian Football Federation's (FIGC) Court of Justice suspended a partial stadium......