The Rajasthan Police on Saturday lodged a first information report against yoga guru Ramdev for allegedly launching an Ayurvedic drug which claims to cure COVID-19 without getting the AYUSH......
Under flak over the launch of a drug it claims be a cure for COVID-19, yoga guru Ramdev's Patanjali Ayurved on Thursday insisted that it broke no law. 'There is no room for confusion,' the......
The World Health Organisation on Friday announced that it will set up a global centre for traditional medicine in India, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing confidence that just like the......
Yoga guru Ramdev's herbal medicine company Patanjali Ayurved on Tuesday claimed to have discovered a medicine that could cure coronavirus in just seven days -- a claim that the Ayush Ministry......
The pandemic has resulted in a change in consumer lifestyles, with an increased focus on preventive healthcare remedies leading to a surge in demand for immunity-positioned supplements, including......
With a rough roller coaster in 2020, investors will look forward to stability and better returns in the New Year. Hopefully, with multiple companies announcing their COVID-19 vaccines, the pandemic......