'The change of vocabulary in the India-US conversation was significant and refreshing.''It matched the styles of Trump and Modi.''The differences were not papered over, but there was determination......
'Another rejection of mediation between India and Pakistan will leave Mr Trump disappointed.''In that case, he is likely to point out the war-like situation on the border and press for direct talks......
'Our equations with China require engagement and not confrontation; its interfaces with Pakistan and with some other South Asian neighbours also add to the complexities,' says Vice Admiral Premvir......
Trump's diatribe against India in his speech on the Paris Agreement is hard to explain, especially when a Modi-Trump meeting is supposedly on the cards, says Ambassador T P Sreenivasan. The hue......
'The success or otherwise of Modi's foreign policy will largely depend on the equation he is likely to strike with Donald Trump,' says Ambassador T P Sreenivasan. A device that many playwrights......