Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday said that Trinamool Congress MP Kalyan Banerjee has submitted a written apology for his remarks against Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia besides......
Lok Sabha on Wednesday witnessed repeated adjournments as remarks by Kalyan Banerjee against Union minister Jyotiraditya Scindia created an uproar which refused to die down despite apology tendered......
Proceedings of both Houses of Parliament were disrupted on Monday as the treasury benches accused top Congress leaders of colluding with billionaire investor George Soros to destabilise the......
Several Opposition MPs of the parliamentary committee examining the Waqf (Amendment) Bill have suggested that the assurance they received after meeting Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has not been met......
Opposition MPs in the parliamentary committee scrutinising the Waqf (Amendment) Bill are scheduled to meet Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Tuesday to protest its chairperson Jagdambika Pal's alleged......
Criticising various provisions in the proposed GST regime, Moily said it will be a "technological nightmare" and the anti-profiteering provisions in it are "far too draconian." India lost a......