The police in Muzaffarnagar have ordered that all eateries on the Kanwar Yatra route should display the names of owners to avoid any "confusion", a move seen by the Opposition parties as targeting......
When Jaipur's Maharaja Madho Singh was invited to attend King Edward VII's coronation in 1902, he chartered a ship for Rs 15 lakh for the journey.He also carried 27,000 litres of Ganga jal on......
September 12 marked the 122th anniversary of one of the most incredible battles in Indian history.Ritwik Sharma looks back at how we remember the Battle of Saragarhi. Havildar Ishar Singh has been......
For the first time in the history of Pakistan, the government has established its writ in the scenic Tirah Valley in the troubled Khyber agency that had become a haven for Taliban militants. The......
Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Wednesday said he wanted to float his own party due to “differences within the Congress” two years ago, but never toyed with the idea of......
Ajay Devgn starrer Son Of Sardaar 2, slated for a Diwali 2017 release, bears no resemblance to its prequel.Interestingly, the sequel to the Ashwin Dhir-directed 2012 comedy is a period film......