Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Monday accused "some agencies with vested interests" of "briefing the Centre wrongly" about the ongoing crisis and said it was an attempt to destabilise the......
Exactly 20 years after he joined politics, Nongthombam Biren Singh, the former footballer and journalist-turned chief minister of Manipur, has led BJP to a position where it is set to form the......
Bharatiya Janata Party legislature party leader N Biren Singh was Monday sworn in as the chief minister of Manipur for the second time at the Raj Bhavan in Imphal. Singh, along with five cabinet......
Stray incidents of violence marred the first phase of Manipur assembly elections to 38 constituencies on Monday as 78.03 per cent of around 12.09 lakh voters exercised their franchise till 5 pm......