The 17-year-old has developed a mobile app that analyses speech patterns and predicts with 96 per cent accuracy if a person has Parkinson's disease Pooja has now shortlisted Harvard, Stanford and......
A 15-year-old Indian-American teen has been selected by the White House for the prestigious Champions of Change award for empowering the community by imparting Internet coding through her......
Accidents can bring you your 15 minutes of fame; it takes something more to parlay such unlooked-for largesse into something bigger. Ask SR (Shekar Ramanuja) Sidarth who, as an 18-year-old intern,......
Ashutosh Singhal, a senior at Holmdel High School in Holmdel, New Jersey, was among the two national winners in the 10th Annual Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement for his top performance among......
Jefferson Han, a pale, bespectacled engineer dressed in Manhattan black, faced the thousand or so attendees on the first day of TED 2006, the annual technology, entertainment, and design conference......