The Kerala high court on Thursday said that neither the ruling front nor the Opposition in the state can be permitted to hold public meetings by blocking the right of way of the people on the roads......
Five more people, including four co-owners of the basement of the coaching centre where three civil services aspirants died, were arrested on Monday and bulldozers began demolishing encroachments......
Five more people, including four co-owners of the basement of the coaching centre where three civil services aspirants died, were arrested on Monday and bulldozers began demolishing encroachments......
Twenty one-year-old Arya Rajendran on Monday became the youngest mayor in the country, taking charge of the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation after she scored a facile win in a three-cornered election......
What some of our leaders were up to on Wednesday, March 29, 2023. IMAGE: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who turned 64 on March 5, may be past the age limit for......
As the Centre and state governments grapple with the problem of unending farmers' suicides, which continues unabated despite a host of initiatives, the Kerala Biodiversity Board has mooted the idea......
The traders' community in Thiruvananthapuram district has stepped up fight against the entry of big retail players into the state. The traders, under the umbrella of the district committee Kerala......
From pickle making to IT business, the march of Kerala's neighbourhood network Kudumbashree in the last 12 years is an inspiring story of social and economic empowerment of women. The self-help......