Tamil director, Ram has made only one film, Kathrathu Thamizh, before Thanga Meenkal. But that one film gave him a reputation that has lasted for more than five years. His second film, Thanga......
Six years after the release of the critically acclaimed Kattradhu Thamizh, the director of the film, Ramsubramaniam, is back with Thanga Meengal, a film that highlights the unique bond shared by a......
'We didn't expect the film to be recognised at this level; we focused on making an honest and simple film.''We didn't have any expectations even like being appreciated at festivals.' For debutant......
National award-winning lyricist, poet and novelist Na Muthukumar passed away on August 14. He was 41. He was reportedly suffering from high fever and succumbed to jaundice. Na Muthukumar worked as......
The 61st annual National awards for the year 2013 have been announced.Here's looking at the winners in the major categories: Best Feature Film: Ship of TheseusBest Hindi Film: Jolly LLB Best......