For the first time in 52 years, in the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition, two boys were co-champions -- and you bet, they were Indian Americans. Sriram Hathwar, 14, an eighth-grader from......
Thirteen-year-old Anurag Kashyap held on to his nerves and his memory as he edged out Samir Sudhir Patel and Aliya Robin Deri in the final round to win the 78th Scripps National Spelling Bee that......
That Indian American kids rule when it comes to the National Spelling Bee, particularly in the last two decades, was manifest on Thursday night when Snigdha Nandipati, a 14-year-old from San Diego,......
Sameer Mishra, 13, of West Lafayette, Indiana, won the 81st Scripps National Spelling Bee, correctly spelling 'guerdon,' which means something one has earned or gained, a reward. With his win,......
The US needs to understand that it could potentially lose out on attracting several Netravalkars in the future if it curbs the influx of such industrious Indian immigrants, argues Vishal Menon.......